Sonntag, 14. Juni 2015

Genre confusion: Horror

Horror is a genre that aims to create a sense of fear, panic, alarm, and dread for the audience. It's often unsettling and relies on scaring the audience through a portrayal of their worst fears and nightmares. Horror usually centers on the arrival of an evil force, person, or event. Many horror movies include mythical creatures such as ghosts, vampires, and zombies. Traditionally there's a lot of violence included in horror movies but it goes into the sub-genre of splatter. Usually horror movies create a scary atmosphere.
Horror often works with thriller, mystery and science fiction.

The only Asian horror movie I've watched so far is Death Bell and I think it's pretty accurate. Horror movies should scare the audience? Yes, yes, that worked, though all I did was turning on the lights in my apartment after finishing the movie. Though it does have some splatter elements as well it wouldn't have been necessary.

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