Sonntag, 1. Januar 2017

And so a new year has begun...

YES, I'm aware I'm a little bit late but I hope all of you spent a beautiful Christmas festival with your beloved ones. And I also hope everyone arrived in the year 2017 without having too much of a hangover.
This entry is just one I wanted to write to let you know what I'm up to and how I'm planning to continue my blog in the future. Also during 2016 you probably noticed that especially during the end there was a clear shift in favor of Korean movies and dramas which is just the majority of what I watch.
I still intend to write about Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese dramas and movies when I watch some. But the point is that I moved to Seoul for one year as an exchange student back in February 2016. Therefore I do understand Korean better than Japanese or any language I never even started to learn. And as most of you might be able to think about - I don't write an entry every week. I plan my entries and have them posted every Friday but back in February already I had entries planned until somewhere in August since I knew I probably wouldn't have much time to watch K-drama. And dramas and movies where part of my preparation helping me to improve my listening comprehension as well as learning some terms - things that you just pick up over time.
I can't tell for how long I have entries planned now, maybe until March or April, maybe longer, it depends on how much I can watch and write about until I go back to my home country that doesn't feel like home even a bit now in February. After going back I will most likely start to watch more dramas again when I'm bored but I hope you will forgive me if for a certain amount of time I can't update regularly anymore.
My next semester starts in April 2017, and it is my last semester of my major course. I think I will at least need one more semester for my minor but I hope I can get two out of this, it all depends on my courses, but it most likely will leave me some time even though I have to get a job besides so I can go back to Korea as soon as I can.

Enough of this talk already, I hope I didn't forget anything. I wish all of you a Happy New Year 2017 and may it be better than 2016 - for me 2016 will be difficult to beat but I will give it my all to rock the year 2017 as well.

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